Andrew Bibby is a professional writer and journalist, working as an independent consultant for a number of international and national organisations, and as a regular contributor to British national newspapers and magazines. He is also the author of a number of books.
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Copyright held by Andrew Bibby. Use for commercial purposes prohibited without prior written permission from the copyright holder. This text has been placed here as a facility for Internet users and downloading is permitted for the purposes of private, non -commercial research. The text must not be modified, nor this copyright notice removed. |
Teleworking: Thirteen Journeys to the Future of Work by Andrew Bibby

Published by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Nov 1995 ISBN 0 903319 74 8 Price £6.95 paperback
In this comprehensive and entertaining account of teleworking today, Andrew Bibby travels throughout the UK and Ireland in search of the future of work.
Extracts available on this Web site:
Please bear in mind that the information in these extracts dates from 1995. Much has changed since then! |