Andrew Bibby


 Details of all my books are available on this website. I have also archived on this site a wide range of newspaper articles and reports which I have written over the years. This includes work undertaken for a number of international and national organisations and for UK newspapers including The Observer, The Independent, The Guardian and Financial Times. If you wish to access anything from this archived material, please go to my home page.

Contact Andrew Bibby



Quality writing about landscape and the outdoors

I am a member of Gritstone Publishing Co-operative, the authors' co-operative specialising in books on the countryside and the outdoors.

The Borders: The Lands We Share

NEW.  Published February 2025. The book is available from bookshops, online, or from the publishers Gritstone Publishing


Andrew Bibby walks south from Edinburgh through the Scottish borders until he gets to the Cheviots and England… and then carries on walking until he reaches North Yorkshire and the river Swale. His journey is one of discovery into the distinctive landscapes of the border lands, and the author draws on themes as varied as history, folk tradition, land usage and land ownership to help him to make sense of what he sees.

 This is a book which celebrates the beauty of the border countryside by explaining why it looks the way it does. Andrew Bibby looks beneath the superficial to reveal how human interaction with the land has shaped the landscapes we know today – and how, particularly as a consequence of climate change, these landscapes are already being changed once again.

Back Roads Through Middle England (Gritstone Publishing). OUTDOOR BOOK OF THE YEAR  (Outdoor Writers and Photographers Guild awards, October 2018)

Andrew Bibby sets out to cycle from the English Channel to the Humber, following the great stone belt of ‘cotswold’ limestone which has left its mark so powerfully on the countryside. This is a journey of discovery into a very special landscape, and the author draws on themes as varied as social history, literature, land usage, agriculture and rural life today to gain a deeper understanding of the factors that shape the land.

This is a wonderful book which celebrates the beauty of this area of England, but which also does very much more. Thoughtful, well-informed, sometimes provocative, Andrew Bibby goes beyond the superficial to reveal a Middle England which is considerably more complex than many might imagine.

You can order Back Roads through Middle England via the Gritstone website.  An ebook edition for Kindle is also available.

Three crime novels with a strong outdoor theme, set in the high Lake District Fells,  The Bad Step, In the Cold of the Night and Too Hot for Comfort are published in paperback format by Gritstone Publishing. In print. Also available in Kindle ebook format.


Walking in Purbeck (Dovecote Press)

This book has been in print for some twenty-five years, a tribute perhaps to the continuing popularity for walkers of the Isle of Purbeck in Dorset, on England's south coast. A fourth edition of the book, complete with OS maps, was published by Dovecote Press in 2010. (Click on the image above to access two extracts from the book).

The Backbone of England: Landscape and life on the Pennine watershed

Published March 2008 (hardback). Revised paperback edition published March 2011. Now out of print, except in the ebook edition (Kindle), £3.50.

"In this wonderful book Andrew Bibby... not only helps us to savour the Pennine landscape;  he helps us to understand it, and he urges us to cherish it.  He shows us how this land was formed, what has happened and is happening to it, and – in a thoroughly un-preachy kind of way – why it matters.  This is a book of enjoyment and of revelation." - Chris Smith (Rt Hon Lord Smith of Finsbury)

Extracts from the book available here.

Freedom to Roam Guides

I was the series editor of a collection of books produced to celebrate the arrival in England of the right to roam at will in open country; I was also the author of five of the titles in this series. The books were published by Frances Lincoln Ltd in conjunction with the Ramblers' Association. The books are now out of print.)

  • Wharfedale and Nidderdale (the southern Yorkshire Dales)
  • Wensleydale and Swaledale (the northern Yorkshire Dales)
  • South Pennines and the Bronte Moors
  • Forest of Bowland with Pendle Hill and West Pennine Moors
  • The Pennine Divide

Archived below is a selection of my journalism on outdoors themes:

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